Thursday, March 11, 2010

What is leadership?.........................GUIDE

People are often told to "be a leader," but what does that mean?

How do people know how to act as a leader when no one defines it for them? There is a simple mantra that defines leadership

Here is a small story to make you understand in brief ….One day one nine-year old girl and her two brothers (seven and five years old respectively) were playing with neighborhood friends. Out of the blue, both brothers came running home upset because the girls in the group told them they didn't want to play with them. Father of the three was puzzled. Wasn't his daughter also in the group? How could she allow these girls to tell her younger brothers that they couldn't also play in the group? Why didn't she defend her brothers?

He sat down with his daughter and asked her about what had occurred. The bottom-line was that the popular opinion of the group was that the boys should not play with the girls. However, daughter acknowledged that she did not agree with the group's opinion. She thought it was wrong, but she did not say anything because the popular feeling was that the boys should leave. Thus father made his children understand that they need to be leaders instead of a follower. Great advice was given, but if you don't know what leadership is all about, how can you put it in play?


he scenario that I saw play out with the girl from above story reminded me of a common place business occurrence. How often are businesses people told to show leadership skills, but not taught what that means? You can yell to people from the highest mountaintop to be leaders, but if you don't help them to understand what leadership means, what ability do they have to change their behavior? How do you help people to feel confident doing what is right when it is not necessarily the popular thing to do?

Not long ago, Bud Selig, Commissioner of Major League Baseball, was faced with declining game attendance. As Commissioner, he was tasked with reversing the attendance trend. One idea he had was to enact interleague play where National League and American League teams play against each other during the season. Historically, the two leagues only played one another in the World Series. Most baseball fans were appalled. They considered this move to be blasphemous. Yet, Bud Selig was un-phased and put the program in place. Today, baseball attendance is booming and interleague play is a hit. Where would baseball be today if Bud Selig let the popular perspective change his decision?

This leadership mantra is not just for managers. It is for everyone

Sales people allow popular to win versus right, too. Imagine a sales person has been working with a client for three years. He has gotten to know the people in the account. He knows them personally. Now it is time for an account review, a periodic meeting on the performance of the relationship. A manager inserts himself into the process and informs the sales person of what is going to be done in that meeting. The sales person listens to the strategy and knows that it is not right for the account. If anything, it will jeopardize the relationship and cause the decision-maker to look foolish. However, the sales person says nothing to the manager because, after all, he is the boss.

The mantra is not about arrogance. It does not operate under the auspice that you know everything, and thus, your decision is always the right one. Those of you who are Greek mythology fans would call this hubris. No one knows everything. However, it is always easiest to follow the popular direction and not research to form your own opinion of what is right. In today's information world, there is no excuse for not taking a few minutes to research meaningful decisions before making them.

The mantra is not an advocation for insubordination. Yes, that sales person was correct. His manager is the boss. However, managers don't always have all of the necessary information to make an informed, educated decision. Managers count on their employees to share with them, in a diplomatic manner, information that will help them make the right decision. Few managers try to make decisions without the counsel of others. However, not enough employees step up and raise their concerns early in the process. They are masters of water-cooler speaker. "That will never work. They don't know about this factor that will cause the project to fail."

Executives have some responsibility for this issue. Employees are often fearful of repercussion when sharing their thoughts, particularly when they are not consistent with the mainstream feeling (a.k.a. not the popular opinion). "Rather than get rebuked, I'll keep my mouth shut."

Companies need to create a culture where it is not only acceptable, but encouraged, for employees to raise their hand before the ship hits the iceberg. Growth comes from people challenging the status quo and feeling confident that they can present ideas, in contradiction to the popular, without retribution. At the same time, companies should show intolerance for those who fail to raise their hand, but say, "Yup, I knew we would sink when we hit the iceberg. I knew it all along."

The "ivory-tower" is famous, or is it infamous, for making decisions without having all of the most relevant information to do so prudently. The "ivory tower" is called a tower because of the gap between executives and employees. That gap might as well be an ocean if employees are not empowered to share what they feel is right when it is not popular. If it is culturally encouraged for employees to participate in decision-making, data gathering, the company is better positioned to be successful. Oftentimes, the best ideas are found by talking with those who do the work every day. People need to feel empowered to share what they feel is right. Some refer to this as "no sacred cows."

Consulting vs. Coaching:

Consulting vs. Coaching:

The diffeences both consulting and coaching involve the use of a skilled, trained professional to assist a client in achieving goals, but each entity is considered a different form of support. Coaching involves a client who wants to grow either personally or professionally and a coach, a trained facilitator, who will guide the client.

Generally a coach works one-on-one with a client but there are times when a group of people will work together toward a common goal. Consulting involves services that are provided for a specific topic, generally on organizational topics. A consultant will provide an analysis and some recommendations for the improvement of a certain process such as software selection or workflow design. A consultant will work with either one individual within an organization or with a group of people within an organization. A consultant will provide a solution for the client, such as exactly which road to take to get somewhere. The coach will ask the right questions so that the client can arrive at the destination via the road that is personally best for them. Once the destination, or goal, is reached the consultant leaves the picture while the coach remains on the scene to continue to encourage the client to fully reach their goals and dreams.

The Difference Between Being A Business Consultant and A Business Coach

There are many more differences between a consultant and a coach. These include:

• Consulting focuses on problem solving, strategies, action plans, and accomplishing very specific goals. Coaching focuses on learning through action while using the process of self-discovery to fulfill certain goals and dreams.

• The consultant is the expert and brings the knowledge and expertise to the situation that makes the difference in the client's failure or success. The coach guides the client in a journey of self-discovery through the use of the right questions.

• Consultants solve the client's present day problems by providing teaching to develop knowledge and expertise. Coaches focus on the client's biggest dreams and goals, making them come true.

• Consultants sometimes ask the client the question "why". Coaches very seldom, if ever, ask the client "why".

• Consulting generally focuses on the specific question or problem at hand. Coaching focuses on the client's entire life.

• Consultants may take care of specific work for the client or provide a part of the solution. Coaches do none of the work, instead letting the client focus and take on all the action.

• Consulting is usually businesslike and professional. Coaching is creative and often has a spirit of adventure.